days and weeks ahead, give your sweetheart some personalized Se.xy
Coupons that he or she can redeem for future pleasures.
Currently a bonus item for those who download the 100 Se.x Games
My wife and I both subscribe to this newsletter and I look forward
to it every week because I know every Wednesday night will be
incredible. I basically have a boner all day thinking of what my
wife and I will be doing when I get home. Your emails are like for her. It puts her in the mood and and she is VERY
ready to try out your suggestions. Sometimes we even email each
other to decide which of the tips we want to try out when we get
home. Trying new stuff isnt awkward any more.
You don't know how much you have changed our se.x life.
Try this out. Find the narrowest doorway and undress. Face each
other and try to have intercourse while each of you is leaning
backwards on the door jamb.
Play a game of *Name that Food*. Blindfold your spouse and have
him or her lick something off your body (put it wherever you want)
and have them guess what it is. They have to keep doing it until
they get it right.
If you want to sweeten your semen, eat the following foods up to 12
hours before love...making: celery, pineapples, melon, strawberries
or kiwi.
Does Your EXCESS SWEATING embarrass you?
I had a friend who was always sweating and honestly
it grossed most of us out.
Excess sweating can cause multiple problems
* Loss of work promotions
* Less desirable physical intimacy
* Ruins clothes
* Alienates friends
A few months back I noticed at the end of church his
shirt was not all sweated out like usual. I asked about
it and he shared with me how he found a cure for his
overactive sweat-glands.
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