Take this quiz: What is the best thing to do to get him back?
A. Write him a letter (expressing your heartfelt emotions, reminding him of all the good times you've had together, what you think went wrong in your relationship, ways to make your relationship better, etc.)
B. Call him on the phone, tell him how you feel -- and get him to open up and talk about his feelings
C. Give him gifts and shower him with sweetness and love -- so he'll realize what he's missing by not having you in his life.
D. Call him and say, "No one will ever love you as much as I do."
Just thought I would let you know that my husband is very
happy about my discovery (from you) that tightening my muscles as he is
e.jaculating intensifies his experience. - Nicole
~~~ Tips ~~~
Make some photocopies of your diary entries that describe your lovemaking exploits and send them to your spouse at their office.
You can have a quickie in any room in the house. Just bend over (support your self on the kitchen counter, dresser, table, you name it) and let him go for it with his mouth or hot rod.
Take the time to give your lovers feet special attention. Get a pan of warm water and bathe their feet and then dry with a soft towel.
Once your darlings feet are clean, feel free to lick, suck and kiss it all over. Devote special attention to each toe and the area between the toes that is quite sensitive.
Dear Michael:
I can not orgasm with my man. I fake it all the time and I feel so bad about that. Any advice?
Dear Anonymous:
The cause is either physical or psychological. Or a combination. Many women have a clitoris that has limited sensitivity or is positioned in a way that the typical stimulation is not enough for a full pleasurable
experience. Also many women have low blood flow to that region.
I have had numerous women tell me that V Cream has been miraculous for them. It not only gives them 1000 times more pleasure, that they are now having multiple orgasms whereas they had difficulty reaching even one before using it.
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