People born under the sign of Leo (July 21-August 23) which is a fixed fire sign are passionate beings and completely comfortable with who they are. In trying to attract a Leo, you must remember that their number one weakness is attention so make sure you shower them with all your fervent concentration and let them know they are adored and loved to the very core. Attracting a Leo is easy: they want to be praised 24/7 and it boosts their ego and personality. They like high-class settings and plush gifts, splendor and make sure you're made up from head to toe during a date.
This sign is opinionated, grand, loves to boast and would do extreme measures to let the world know how smart, astounding and amazing they are. The best weapon to beat the egocentricity: Be interested. Hang on to their every word and you're sure to tame the lion in no time. Attention is their Achilles heel. You may even overdo it, believe me. They love the attention! However, maintain being conversational, spontaneous, natural (though you can use a little tweak on that) and agreeable --- this can surely make you attract a Leo! Learn to compliment and keep things light, but talk in a manner with enthusiasm and wit. Keep note that Leos care so much of their self-image so let them know you take great notice of their character.
Leos love surprises so be ready and get unpredictable. It is their mission to enjoy life to the fullest, being open to something new and fresh and they expect you to do the same. They are very ambitious so spar with them --- they get attracted to people who have a strong personality like they do. But be cautious because at the same time, Leos tend to easily get off from a relationship since they are always seeking for new horizons. So try not to be boring. Keep the love alive!
If you would like to discover AMAZING strategies on attracting a Leo, then visit my website to get your hands on my FREE report which has helped thousands of men get women they thought they never had a chance with!
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