Monday, December 17, 2012

Romantic Ideas for Valentine's Day

Romantic Ideas for Valentines Day

Valentine's Day is a magical time of year where we are given the opportunity to share our love with the one who truly gives meaning to our lives.

All over the world, couples are planning on extravagant adventures, romantic excursions, getaways, and unbelievable date nights that will put the spark back into their relationships and leave their partners absolutely breathless.

But there's a problem for many of us out there..

We're "romantically challenged".

We've never felt comfortable being romantic. We don't experience a rush of creative and original ideas when planning out a romantic event, heck, we're barely able to pick out a decent greeting card at times.

We find these times of year overwhelming, and we sometimes need a bit of help coming up with thoughtful ways that we can express our love for the one person in our lives that we can always count on.

But while we WANT to be romantic, and we know that there are times (like on February 14th!) where we're EXPECTED to be romantic, it doesn't always come so naturally.

You're not alone.

There are thousands of us all over the world who need that extra guidance when planning out a romantic date, and with so much pressure to create the perfect Valentine's Day, we find ourselves dealing with can intense stress and anxiety.

After all, we can't all be born natural Casanova's!

But here's the thing. You are on this website because you know how important Valentine's Day is to your partner. You don't want them feeling left out, neglected or unappreciated.

Your partner does a lot for you, and she (or he) deserves to be treated like the centre of your world, because they are.

So, if you truly want to give them a day they will always remember, and show them that you put your best effort into celebrating the love you share..
We've got you covered!

This year, you are going to make it a day they will never forget, because as of right now, you will have more than enough
creative and affordable ideas to melt their hearts and leave them breathless!

Even if you are on a shoestring budget, have kids to deal with, or can't whisk your sweetheart away on a romantic getaway, it doesn't matter! There are ideas for EVERYONE and EVERY lifestyle!

CONTINUE READING - Romantic Ideas for Valentine's Day

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why Men LIE To Women They Love

Do ALL men lie to women they love?
According to relationship expert Michael Fiore they do.
Fiore (who’s appeared on the Rachael Ray show as well as countless radio shows and in many, many magazines) say even “good guys” lie to women they love each and every day . . . and it’s not for the reasons women think.
“So many women think the guys in their lives are either princes or jerks,” says Fiore, “but the truth is more frightening and more complicated than that.”
Mr. Fiore recently put together a controversial video in which he explains the REAL reason men lie to women they love . . . why men CHEAT on women . . . why men don’t communicate . . . and many of the other questions that drive women crazy about men and make it impossible for women to have the relationships they want.
“There’s one simple step to having the relationship of your dreams,” Mr. Fiore says “And that’s truly understanding the minds of men.”
Incredible Video
To watch Mr. Fiore’s incredibly video simply go to HERE NOW. Due to the controversial nature of this video it may be taken down at any time.
CONTINUE READING - Why Men LIE To Women They Love

What Men Desperately Want You To Know (But Will Never Tell You)

Do you ever find yourself staring at a man and wondering what he REALLY wants from you . . . what he REALLY dreams about . . . what he REALLY wishes for in a woman?
If you do, you’re certainly not alone.
According to relationship expert Michael Fiore (who’s appeared on the Rachael Ray show and was interviewed by Time Magazine), the number one thing women wish for is the ability to READ MEN’S MINDS and know how guys REALLY feel.
Unfortunately most guys will NEVER open up to a woman and there’s never been a way to get the actual TRUTH about what goes on in their minds.
Until now.
Michael Fiore recently sent a very simple, very powerful survey to a list of over 20,000 men asking one amazing question…
“What’s the one thing you wish the woman in your life understood about men, but could NEVER tell her?”
If you’d like to learn the answer to that question (what men want sexually, emotionally and intellectually… why men lie to women, why men cheat on women and so much more) you need to stop what you’re doing and go watch this video right now…Visit HERE to Learn More
Due the controversial nature of the video it may not be up for long. If you want to truly understand and be adored by men you should watch it while you can.

CONTINUE READING - What Men Desperately Want You To Know (But Will Never Tell You)

The Case of the Missing Column

For over 10 years I have been writing a column on secrets that keep
a relationship blissful.  One month I didn't write one.  I wasn't
sick. I wasn't away on vacation.  But I did have a good reason.

I have enough work to keep me busy for 16 hours a day if I choose
to devote myself that long to my career.  There are books to write,
interviews to give, a website to update, personal appearances to
make, email to answer and so on.  If I'm not careful, I can let my
career become my life.

I was doing some remodeling on the house and I had a deadline to meet
before the drywall went up.  Other activities and duties began piling
up like a super tall order of pancakes.  I soon realized something
would have to be neglected if I tried to do everything on my work
"to do" list.

When I saw that I did not have enough time in the week to accomplish
everything I needed to get done, I began assessing my priorities.
If I tried to take care of everything on my To Do list, I wouldn't
have much time to spend with Athena.  While I love and care for my
nearly 100,000+ subscribers of this Secrets of Blissful Relationships
mailing list, I love Athena more.  I could spend two to three hours
alone in my office writing, editing and assembling the column or
I could spend that time laughing, talking and playing with my wife
Athena and my children.  I guess you know the outcome.

I wish I could say I always make the right decision between time
spent working and time spent with my family.  For those of us
who have jobs we love (or at least find somewhat enjoyable) it is
easy to let our careers careen our lives.  We find satisfaction in
finishing a work project on time or meeting and exceeding company
(or personal) goals. If we work long hours we get the respect and
admiration of our boss and peers for our "dedication and sacrifice."
Men especially derive a sense of pride for being able to provide
well for their families.

But if you want even more respect and admiration, have a blissful
relationship.  There are few things more inspiring than a person
who makes it known that any extra time at work means less time with
those he or she loves.  One who risks career advancement for family
advancement should be a star in everyone's eyes.

It is often easy to work too much at the office because there we
have specific goals and projects to finish while we rarely have
concrete goals in regard to family time.  If you are goal oriented,
and want something to try to meet and exceed, here are just a
few things you can aim for.  Consider making up a monthly chart
(or having your kids do it) to track your progress.

Our Family-time Goals

Spend "x" hours of quality time each day/week with the family
for an entire month.

Make it home on time for dinner every night this week

Work no more than "x" hours of overtime the whole month

Get all the kids in bed by ______ p.m.  every night so you and
your spouse can spend at least 1 solid hour of together time talking
(no TV or serious distractions)

No more than "x" hours the television/internet can be on during
family time

Cut our family expenses by "x" percent so I or my mate can work
"x" less hours each week

And one final goal -- write down your goals this week!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

How to Know if a Man Really Loves You

7 Simple Questions that Prove How He REALLY Feels

Answer these questions and you will INSTANTLY
know if any guy is a keeper... or needs to be tossed.
CONTINUE READING - The Case of the Missing Column

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Attracting Women - How to Pick Up a Woman

When you think of a guy that is good at being able to pick up women, what are the usual image that pop into your mind? The classic 1970's swinger or the 21st century PUA (pick up artist) with the flashy clothes and the metro sexual personality? Well, guess what? You don't have to be either one of these kinds of guys in order to pick up women. Attracting women is NOT something that you have to adapt a fake personality to learn how to do. In fact, in most cases, it's much better to be just an average guy that happens to know how to seduce and attract women.
What are some things that you SHOULD know about picking up women?
1. Most women are resistant to ANY man that they think is just out to "hook up." You don't want to give off the impression that you are out to collect phone numbers of women or just to get some random encounter. You want to be able to make the impression that you ARE just a normal guy that happens to be out looking to get to know people.
2. Lines are NEVER the answer. When you try to rely on a classic line to pick up women, you are really just looking for a crutch or a magic bullet. And these kinds of things do not really exist. What you have to be able to do is to learn how to use conversation to build attraction with a woman. This way, you don't ever have to be one of those guys that is guilty of using cheesy lines.
3. You have to be a NATURAL with women. Now, this may not happen overnight. But, when you can appear comfortable and natural around women, no matter how beautiful she might be, your success with women will start to improve.
Want to know more about how to attract and pick up women?
Get Your FREE Report that Details HOW to Attract and Seduce Women.
Seduce a Woman

CONTINUE READING - Attracting Women - How to Pick Up a Woman

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dating Tips for Women Over 40: 5 Unexpected Places to Meet Great Men Over 40

It breaks my heart whenever I hear women say that there aren't any good men over 40 left to date, because it's just not true. Sure, it feels true when you're sitting across the table from your blind date—a guy who wears black socks with sandals and whines about how his seventh divorce really was all his wife's fault, because frankly, in his opinion, all women are inherently evil, gold diggers or both.

But there are a lot of decent, kind, available men over 40 who are single and looking for someone to love.

We all know that once you hit your fortieth (err, thirtieth) birthday, you're not going to have much luck spending every weekend hanging out in a bar, gripping a bottle of light beer, and listening to the same old jokes, meeting the same people in different clothes. When we belly up to the bar, we're much more likely to meet that smarmy loser whose exposed silver chest hairs seem perilously likely to fall in our drinks than be the man of our dreams.

So where do you go to meet these wonderful, enlightened, please-let-them-be-attractive, minimally damaged men over 40?

5 Unexpected Places to Find Great, Single Men Over 40 to Date Right Now

1) Parties Once-Removed: Six Degrees of Barbeque

How can you expect to meet and date great men over 40 when you always invite the same seventeen people to all of your parties? Bring some new blood to the old gang. With Parties Once-Removed, everybody you invite brings someone that nobody else in the group knows. Think of it as six degrees of separation, only backwards. Voila! You'll have a party full of brand-new people who already get along great with your closest friends.

2) Go Clubbing

Want to meet an endless supply of fit, financially comfortable, educated men over 40? Take up golfing. If you don't already golf, there are lots of reasonably priced lessons at your local public course. (And of course, plenty of overpriced ones at the private clubs.)

Once you've mastered the basics, you have two options to maximize your man-meeting potential: You can pull together a foursome with a collection of like-minded women, or you can head out to the course on Saturday morning as a single and complete someone else's foursome.

If you're golfing as a single, you'll be meeting three new people (most likely men) and odds are in your favor that at least one of them is single. (The Census Bureau estimates that 30 percent of Americans born between 1946 and 1964 are single.) You'll have him all to yourself for eighteen holes, and if you like him, you can let him buy you a Bloody Mary when you finish your round. And, don't worry about whether or not you're any good—nobody is.

3) Go to Somebody Else's Company Picnic

Pair up with another single pal and survey his or her company's assets. These events are social, and as an added bonus, you know everybody there is employed. Your insider buddy can act as your tour guide to help you avoid the guy who sticks paperclips up his nose or the weirdo with fifty-nine cats.

4) Marianne Williamson, Meet Wayne Dyer

If you're looking to meet men over 40 who are as interested in self-growth as you are then attend lectures, conferences, and seminars by spiritual and self-development leaders. This can be a great place to meet someone and hang out with a bunch of men who're actively seeking to live a more positive, meaningful, inspired life.

Weekend conferences are best if you're hoping to meet other people, because they offer more chances to socialize than daylong seminars provide. If the conference feels too pricey, contact the organization to and see if there's a way you can work at the event in exchange for free admission.

Yes, the crowd will be 70 percent women, but the men will be good ones.

5) Power Drills and Other Flirting Tools

Most cities have philanthropic singles organizations, and whether a group attracts young singles or mature singles depends on the city and the group.

The best part of meeting people through volunteer work is that you help make the world a better place and meet a lot of like-minded eligible men at the same time. (Besides, helping others gives you good dating karma.) If there are no volunteer groups in your area catering specifically to singles, check out Habitat for Humanity, It's a great way to meet people of all ages, and you get to spend the day in the sunshine using power tools. What could be better?

This article is excerpted from my brand new book, "How to Date Like a Grown-Up." If you follow my advice in this article and in my book, you might just get lucky, find the man of your dreams and get married – even if you're in your 40's, 50's and beyond!

Lisa Daily is a dating coach, speaker, author and popular media guest who helps women over 40 find great men to date. Now, you can WIN one of 25 signed copies of her new book HOW TO DATE LIKE A GROWN-UP all month. To register, or get more of Lisa's free dating articles, tips and advice visit

Related Articles - 12 SimpleRules dating over 40, dating tips for women over 40, dating tips, meet great men, finding dates,
CONTINUE READING - Dating Tips for Women Over 40: 5 Unexpected Places to Meet Great Men Over 40

Sunday, November 4, 2012

(no subject)
Make serious money online using a revolutionary system

Hetold them he was a pirate--been a pirate for thirty years out in theIndian Ocean--and his crew was thinned out considerable last spring ina fight, and he was home now to take out some fresh men, and thanks togoodness hed been robbed last night and put ashore off of a steamboatwithout a cent, and he was glad of it; it was the blessedest thing thatever happened to him, because he was a changed man now, and happy for thefirst time in his life; and, poor as he was, he was going to start rightoff and work his way back to the Indian Ocean, and put in the rest of hislife trying to turn the pirates into the true path; for he could do caeley wynn
Sun, 4 Nov 2012 8:23:30
CONTINUE READING - (no subject)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

(no subject)
SingIe moms and teenagers are making reaI money from home.

Said he swum along behind me that night, and heard meyell every time, but dasnt answer, because he didnt want nobody to pickHIM up and take him into slavery again. melosa winswode
Sun, 15 Jul 2012 7:21:19
CONTINUE READING - (no subject)

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