Friday, June 26, 2009

Middle Aged Dating Tips - Getting Started Again

Many people are now starting to try to get back in the dating game after many years of being married, either due to divorce or being widowed. Regardless of why you are back on the dating scene, trying to date at middle age can be fairly intimidating. If you have been married or with someone for a very long time, you will quickly see that the dating scene has changed a good bit since the last time you dated. How do you get started again, and find that special someone? That is the focus of this article.

The first thing to do is to really take a good look at your own wants and needs. Before you can possibly try to go out and date someone else, you need to have some type of idea of the type of person you would want to date. The best way to do that is to know those things that you are willing to compromise on, and those things that you are not. If you are a Christian, nonsmoking, animal rights lover for example, you would not want to go out hunting for an Atheist, smoking, fur lover. This seems obvious, but it is something we all must do when going into the dating market. At middle age, you do not want to waste a lot of time dating people that you know you will not have any long term interest in. Find those qualities you are looking for, and then move on to the next step.

The next step is to take those qualities you are looking for in a date, and consider where you might find such a person. If you love racing, get out to the racetrack. If you love dancing, get out to the various dancing clubs around. Generally speaking, it is easy to figure out where you might find those people that suit you if you just give it some thought.

Another middle aged dating tip is get out and try something new. Many people find someone to spend time with simply by attending a "beginners" type activity. The benefit here is that all are beginners in the classes, so you instantly have something in common to talk about. Jump into conversation with those around you, and you might be surprised that a number of them may be single. Do not be afraid to ask somebody out if they attract you and they seem to be of the same mind.

The biggest key to middle aged dating is to get out there and try. So many people do not even try as they feel they are too long out of the game. The bottom line is that every age group has a number of people that are in the same situation as you, and they are just as scared and nervous. You simply need to get out there and find them so that you can be nervous together.

When dating at middle age, it is also important to take things slow and resist the normal urge to rush. Many middle-agers feel as though "the clock is ticking" and that they must find someone quickly. This is simply not the case for the vast majority, and finding the wrong middle age date is much worse than being alone. Take your time and find that person that you enjoy. They are out there, and you will find them if you just put in some effort.

After years of being in a relationship, you need to also realize that the times changed in the dating world. There are now tons of options that were not out there when you were younger. Online dating services are a wonderful way to meet people of the same interests, and are rather easy to use. Just be sure that you do some online dating research and find a reputable online dating service to use.

CONTINUE READING - Middle Aged Dating Tips - Getting Started Again

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Get Your Ex Back - A Crash Course On Healing A Broken Heart

Going through a break up is always very difficult. This is the one point in our lives when we feel so terrible we don't want to do anything but cry. We don't function properly in work or school; our friends can't get us to go out with them to have a good time; and our families can't get us to go out of the room to join them at the dinner table or even talk to them even though they want to help us heal a broken heart.

There are a lot of consequences a break up. Almost everything in our lives become affected by that one heart-breaking moment. We feel like the whole has suddenly come tumbling down and rolling on us.

I feel what you are going through. I know the hurt and how hard it is to deal with the pain. That is why I will share with you the 5 most effective tips on how you can heal a broken heart and prepare you on how to get your ex back.

  1. Go to your friends and family for moral support. The only people who can help you go through any tough situations in life are those who are closest to you. They are your family and friends. You can always talk to them and tell them how you feel. Cry if you need to. Their love and support will be enough to help you forget the pain and get over the break up.
  2. Keep yourself busy with studies or work. One of the most effective ways to deal with a break up is to keep your mind busy with something relevant. And what better and more productive way than to focus on your work or studies? If you have been faltering in school or in the workplace because of your relationship before, now is the time to redeem yourself in the eyes of your professors and boss. Show them that you are capable of springing back and prove your self worthy of the position you have. Keep yourself busy with relevant stuff. In the end, not only will you be able to get over the pain, you may even end up with a higher grade or a raise.
  3. Try to learn something new. Everyday is a chance to learn something new and fruitful; and each happening in your life is an opportunity to develop and acquire a new skill. If you are too devastated by your break up, take up a new hobby. You can start collecting items that piques your interest. Similarly, you can learn how to craft things. There's a lot of stuff you can busy yourself with. Not only will these serve as a therapy, this can also be fruitful.
  4. Diversify your daily routine. For sure, your routine for the past how many months have included, if not revolved around, your ex. If this is the case, you need to make a different routine after the break up. This will help you from thinking about your ex in the unexpected moments. If you continue to do the things you used to do before, there is always the chance that you will remember the days spent with your ex doing those things. Making a change in how you live each day will help you forget your break up.
  5. Quit thinking about your ex. This is probably the most effective way of getting over a break up and healing your broken heart. Thinking about your ex will trigger the resurgence of memories- both happy and sad. And the longer time you spend thinking about your ex, the harder it will be to forget him or her.
It's not easy to forget the pains of a break up and heal your broken heart. All it takes is a little faith, determination, and help from the people close to you. Remember, to get your ex back, you need to make sure that your heart has gotten over the pain and healed the wounds it suffered.

Just broke up?

You can get over the pains of a break up. Visit How to Survive a Break Up for the effective ways of getting through a painful separation with your heart still intact.

Making sure you have dealt with the pain will help you get your ex back. See videos, articles, other tools to serve as your guide.

CONTINUE READING - Get Your Ex Back - A Crash Course On Healing A Broken Heart

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Kama Sutra - Not Just a Sex Manual

Anyone who has been to India or has read enough about India would have seen ancient Indian sculptures or pictures of them; even someone with the most rudimentary idea about India would we familiar with the Kama Sutra. If you have visited temples like Khajuraho and many others in India, you would have seen frescoes and sculpture featuring exceedingly sexual, even orgiastic postures, various sex positions, even group sex and same sex scenes.

In the old days, India faced the problem of under population (as against over population today). So the kings routinely commissioned the court sculptors to design sculptures so erotic that they acted as an aphrodisiac to encourage people to produce more babies to populate their land! Perhaps the Kama Surta had just such a beginning.

In the west, the Kama Sutra is viewed as an ancient sex manual only, which is it, but it is much more than that. It is also a book about social values, etiquette, duties, economic obligations etc. Understandably the sex manual part of this voluminous work is what has gained maximum popularity. Kama, simply put is sex, but more specifically it means enjoyment using all the five sense of touch, taste, smell, hearing and smell and enjoyment not just for the body but for the mind and spirit as well.

One part of the manual deals with sexual positions, how to embrace and kiss, foreplay (marking with nails is one chapter), role playing and even the appropriate sounds to be made! One entire segment is devoted to advice about how to acquire a wife, another segment is about other people's wives! Another segment is allocated to courtesans, how they should earn money, how to live behave and conduct themselves, how to live as a man's wife etc.

The final part of the text deals with personal adornment and love potions and other methods of making a person attractive. It also deals with methods of arousal and miscellaneous experiments. All in all I would conclude that it was a book way ahead of its times.

Some years back a film was made about the period of Indian history when the Kama Sutra was written. It was a film called Utsav and was set in the period of Vatsyayana (the author). This film was about the renowned courtesan of the time, Vasantsena; the haunting melodious songs of the film are still very popular. Courtesans were, in those days viewed with respect, insofar as sex was viewed as an art to be learned and taught. Some parts of the film were very funny too, when Vatsayana is shown peering into various rooms of a brothel collecting material for his book.

So really sex was not talked of in hushed tones the way it is now; it was as much part of social life as anything else and the Kama Sutra perhaps best reflects this.

Reena Daruwalla - EzineArticles Expert Author

CONTINUE READING - The Kama Sutra - Not Just a Sex Manual

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So you want a second chance? (5)

She did cancel on the third voicemail but also suggested next week. Get this. She couldn't go to lunch last week because her work decided to change an afternoon meeting to a lunch meeting. So since her current guy was going out of town on the afternoon of her birthday she asked me if I wanted to hang out after and ride motorcycles -- only she wasn't sure if he fixed her bike. (She mentioned this in the first 2 messages). Well on the third message she said "Not sure it will be done in time tomorrow so rather than be a flake let's meet sometime next week." She also mistakenly called him by MY name, caught herself and got VERY nervous.

I wonder, could you be a little elusive and hard-to-get? As you say, being confident, happy, secure is good, but also being Really Busy so you don't just drop everything to see her whenever it's good for her schedule, have her missing you and for goodness sakes don't let her think you are waiting by the phone for her.

Well in fairness I haven't been calling her back every time or right away and I normally can't get back to her via email for hours. In fact, after she left the last VM on Friday night I didn't get back to her until lunchtime Tuesday to reschedule. I'm being as elusive, happy and confident as I can be (and am!). I didn't jump to schedule anything right away and in fact I've said more than once "If we can't work out something with our schedules we can always do it some other time."

This is advice women usually give each other to "catch a guy" but I think it works in your situation also! I'm just thinking it might be good if she had a chance to pine over you and miss you and wonder what you were doing...

I don't think it will be possible for her to pine over me unless she gets to see the improvements I've made in my life. Also she is dating someone right now so it makes it easier for her to keep her mind off me. But I believe once we meet as long as I stick to my improvements, make it fun, happy and basically be the attractive guy she liked in the first place I just have to leave it to fate. I won't be upset if this doesn't work out. I firml believe that I am the right guy for her and don't feel I need to prove it any longer. She'll either see it or she won't but no amount of pressure from my side will make a difference. I just have to be me :)

I agree on the coupon book. Good decision Jarbar. Baby steps, one thing at a time. First you get together, and it is just light and breezy, a pleasant lunch, nothing heavy about "relationships" etc. Maybe after a few pleasant meetings then you do the coupon book thingie.

That's the plan. I just want to see how the lunch goes. I'll definitely make it fun, light, breezy and pleasant. After that it's one day at a time. If there is still a spark there I'll let her light the fire and continue with my schedule and life as is. It's plenty fulfilling and fun. I don't NEED anyone in my life. I still love her but don't need her.
CONTINUE READING - So you want a second chance? (5)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

How to Make Your Ex Easily Crawl Back to You! This Works When Everything Seems Hopeless

Spending sleepless nights and wallowing in self pity is not the way to carry on after the split! Why let your ex get the better of you? If you have wasted enough time regretting the circumstances that led to the breakup, do something to break out of this rut! Don't surrender to misery another day. Find out today how you can get your ex to crawl back to you!

Prove your ex wrong!
Your ex has probably seen you moping around looking like the world has come to an end ever since the breakup. Shake yourself loose from this attitude of a loser and start proving to your ex and the world that you are an overcomer! Focus your mind on positive feelings and gear up to really enjoy yourself!

Become a new creation!
Arm yourself with weapons like stylish clothes, great body and exquisite makeup! Your ex will not know what hit him/her when he/she claps his/her eyes on you! Looking like a million dollars will make anybody sit up and take notice of you! When your ex sees you looking so stunning he/she will have second thoughts about the split!

Invoke jealousy.
Making your ex jealous should be easy with you looking so good! When your ex realizes that you will have no problem getting dates and being so popular looking the way you do now, he/she is bound to be jealous that he/she is out of the picture, and will want to have a piece of the action!

Be soft, caring and forgiving!
Having a soft and sensitive, loving and forgiving nature can only bring you benefits and give you an advantage. Old feelings of bitterness and anger will melt away and your ex will want to kiss and make up before too long! Don't bring up the past anymore and make sure you start afresh! This type of attitude will prove to be a strong foundation for the future.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

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CONTINUE READING - How to Make Your Ex Easily Crawl Back to You! This Works When Everything Seems Hopeless

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