Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How do you get a guy to not just want you for sex??? (5)

They assumed that being an outgoing, free-spirited meant you didn't have any hang-ups with sex....THEY WERE WRONG!!!

A lot of the men Ive met on the site say they are looking for a relationship and the more we get to talking it always seems tho turn into them asking a lot of sexual questions!

And this suprises you why?
What's so terrible about a guy wanting to have great sex with someone he's in a relationship with?

I just know want to know what approach to take so they want to get to know me before they want to know how to get down my pants.

Good luck with that...
Don't take offence cause this isn't personally directed at you, but most people (myself included) just aren't interesting enough to listen to entirely without sexual motivation. Attraction and the hopes for sexual interaction are what motivate many men to listen to women drone on about themselves. Likewise, many attractive men get away with being as shallow as puddles for the very same reason.

The best you can hope for is a man that can hide his true intentions long enough so that you feel comfortable 'putting out'. Now don't go off hating men because they love sex, just try to understand how it isn't a seperate entity for them.

But to answer your question 'what approach to take' try this...
Next time a guy you are interested in starts asking sexual questions before you feel comfortable, put your hand over his and tell him that while you really love sex you feel he might be special and you want to make sure that you both know each other as much as possible before going to that level.

This will encourage him to put those questions on hold for awhile because he thinks he has a shot. But don't kid yourself, it is a need and it is still there, he's just putting it on hold in the hopes his investment will pay off later. At some point (probably within a month) you'll have to address his need or lose him.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

How do you get a guy to not just want you for sex??? (4)

The decent guys with manners sets the tone for a conversation and even they will tip in a few sexual questions just to test the water i guess its a form of flirting and as long as they are asked at the right time i dont think it would bother you .

Outgoing bubbly and talkative women are sexy to men and some will turn into thinking your an easy lay i know some women go silent for a few seconds when you ask the wrong question and to me thats the mark not to discuss such things at that stage and i know where i stand .

Sites like this attract players and married men looking for a fling or even single guys with sex as the only motive and having read the forums it couldbe as high as 60 percent maybe higher so u will have to wade your way through .

And if they get offended well you know what they are all about .

If your not happy about answering sexual questions just say those are private answers and i dont want to discuss them with you as we have only just met . Soon sorts out the wheat from the chaff .

Guys that find a woman that they really like and want as a partner or even think that it may go further wont just want to bed you .

CONTINUE READING - How do you get a guy to not just want you for sex??? (4)

Friday, February 13, 2009

What does "my children come first" mean to you?

Children 1st = Bad Mother No exceptions. No three year old should EVER have the responsibility for an adult's failures and misfortunes shifted to her. Not ever. When children rule the home, it is always unhappy. Children learn by observing adults. Adults should be the center of children's lives, not the other way around. It is grossly unfair to a child to force them into the dominant position in their home, because the parent defaults on her responsibility to put the child in her natural place... subordinate. What good is she to them, if she lets them run her life and cause her to fray at the ends? How secure does a three year old feel when a teenager bends Mom any way she likes? Who runs that house? The teenager of course. I'll bet the tot feels great about that.

Can you date a single mother? Of course you can. Can you have a relationship with her? If and ONLY if she puts HERSELF first-- not her children. If she can't? Then she might be a fine dinner date, but no more than that. If she is not a good mother, she will be a worse wife. Bet on that.

As for you manginas out there who "understand", understand this: if you have any compassion for the unfortunate children involved, you will stay the hell out of it. Do NOT enable this kind of single mother. If those kids never see their Dad there is likely a reason... and it ISN'T him! Don't think you can save her (or them) from the dragon. There is none. Only her own childish and shameful antics. If you are part of that, then blame nobody but yourself when the teen calls the cops and accuses you of molesting her and your gf turns on you like a rabid animal.
CONTINUE READING - What does "my children come first" mean to you?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Heal Broken Heart in Your Love Relationship

Have you ever been in a romantic love & then broken hearted? Broken hearts make you afraid & trauma to build a new relationship? So, how to heal your broken heart? A broken heart (or heartbreak) is a common metaphor used when a human being suffers an emotional or physical loss, to the extent that it begins to cause them physical or physiological pain. Your heart was breaking because you ever been in love & happy in your love, but now you are meeting situation that someone you love has changed & not suitable for you. Don't worry about that. A broken heart actually can get up, leave this bad history, & build a new relationship.

A relationship is a connection between people. Relationship is about giving each other 50/50. No one can always right. Someday they will get wrong too. You have to understand about it. You live your strength to fulfill your couple weakness. Your couple gives the strength to fulfill your weakness too. That is a good relationship.

"Get up after broke". It's easy to say but hard to practice it. Many people feel hard to get up after they fell because they always look beneath; they always feel about their falls & solve the problems emotionally & angry each other. You can't solve the problems if you use your emotion to think & your brain to follow your emotion. If you get broken heart, just take a longer breath & blow slowly. Do it 3 times. You can also take some cool water to refresh your face. It will help you to muffle your anger. If you do it, you will feel fresh. If you feel fresh, you can think & make the right decision.

If you have a traumatic experience about your broken relationship, think that everybody is not same. You have to consort with many people to understand that everybody have unique behaviors. Some are good person, and the others are bad people.

If you feel something wrong with your partnership, solve the problem as soon as possible. If you wait to solve until next time the problem will be bigger. And it will be a time bomb that can blew out at any time. You will get the serious broken heart. You and your couple will accuse each other. So, it's easier for you to realize & solve the problem now than you will get hurt tomorrow.

If you think it's not good to continue your relationship, discontinue your relationship soon. Discontinue doesn't mean that you stop/broke your relationship. It prefers you avoid building deeper relationship with him/her. Just be a friend without deep relationship. Maybe you will feel hurt to discontinue, but a little hurt is better than you will.
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