You stand there immovable with your hands sweating, your heart beating twice as faster, your lips seem to be sealed by something and your eyes fixated on HER… Your dream girl is standing over there but you just can't approach her. Come on, we have all been there. Don't be ashamed to admit that. We always wanted to approach the women we wanted and talk to them but never really got ourselves to do that. Why so? What is the reason behind that? Yes, in this article, we are going to discuss about approaching women in general. Well a little looking at the subject will reveal actually one reason. It's FEAR. Fear of approaching women! But, fearing what? Are we really afraid of the woman? Are we afraid of her harsh words? Some say that we fear being REJECTED. I think if I had been in a room alone with a girl and I said "hi" to the girl or made any move on her and she rejected, I could not have cared less about that. Darn! Nobody is going to know and I don't even care if she is going to share this experience with her friends or not. I think our fear is getting rejected IN FRONT OF OTHERS (in the simplest of language). We hate being rejected in front of others. Believe it or not, most of us, or rather almost all of us, are specifically driven by our ego. We don't really understand ourselves truly but we understand what our EGO makes us understand. And having this fear is absolutely normal. In our animal society, we are judged by our social standard and class. More social status, better survival rate, more resourceful and better future… It is as simple as that. We love power. Not muscular power but social power. Where ever it comes from. Whether the muscle or money. And for this particular reason, we fear approaching the fairer sex. And this is all aggravated by the false attitude put up by the woman. You go to any bar or club and you find the hot girls standing there with an attitude of "Don't even dare to come near me; you will get burnt". Oh well it's scary and this makes the fear of approaching women all the worse. I know that. I have been through that. And let me tell me I still feel that. Remember, it's never going to GO AWAY. It is embedded in our basic psychological and nervous hardwiring and it is to stay. Yes, I iterate myself once again… We fear approaching women and we will continue to experience that peculiar stomach wrenching feeling in the future as well. But the point is in getting control over it and being able to overcome it over the time.
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