Tuesday, March 31, 2009

To Love, Again

To Love, Again by Melinda M. Sorensson

We are bound not only by material things but also by our emotional attachments. It is much easier to detach ourselves from things. Not so with people.

I ran away when I was 7 years old. Not away from my parents home but to my parents home from my aunt and uncle's home 5 miles away from where my parents lived.

Even then I knew that it would be better if someone were with me so I took two of my friends from my uncle’s neighborhood and we walked the five miles. We were young and it was fun. It took us two hours but time flew by.

I was lonely at my uncle's home. It was a summer vacation and my parents thought it would be nice for me to spend a week with my aunt and uncle who did not have children of their own. I was a living doll on loan for a week. After three days, I was homesick. I missed my mother but I missed my father most.

My mother was livid that I did what I did but my father just laughed and welcomed me in his arms, and within a couple of hours my aunt and uncle, frantic about not finding me, and the parents of my two friends came to our home, to get to take my friends home. I said goodbye knowing that it will be a long time before we get to see each other again. It was then I knew what it was like to be attached.

One of my colleagues, a wise man, told me a very long time ago, that all relationships end, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

At that time I thought, wow, that was not a very happy view of life, and yet it is the truth. Even if we love another during a lifetime, there is still death to contend with. Things are impermanent. Ties are impermanent.

In the beginning of romantic love, two feelings are evidently felt: Fascination with the other person, a curiosity that is sustained for a period of time, and the promise of passion, sexual union. There is an illusion that the one person can sustain both with another.

I am thinking of the words fascination and passion. So vivid, so colorful, so intriguing.

Fascination comes every time there is something new and different.

Passion is a need to unite with the object of affection at the physical level.

Fascination ends and passion fades, in time. It is the nature of humans to get bored and tired of something no matter how good. It is only a matter of time.

Uncontrolled, passion can burn. While the object of passion is to unite with the object of affection it is without meaning unless both people have united at the level of the soul.

There is so much energy associated with passion that it is what is required to create. In some it is channeled to a great work of art. With the saints, the object of affection is God.

To use the energy of passion is the highest form of yoga.

It is not possible for anyone to sustain the fascination and passion of another, forever. To think so would be to delude oneself.

It follows that the only kind of relationship that would work long term is the one where there is no expectation beyond the bounds of common self respect. Treat the other person the way you want to be treated. Moreover, you give what you desire the most not because of the hope for a return but because it is the most natural thing to do.

By this I mean that you do not disrespect the other because who you are really disrespecting yourself when you do so. By this I mean that honesty, trust, loyalty and understanding are implicit.

It is a relationship where either person is free to leave at any time and the other would be happy for the other person regardless.

In this case romantic love, the needy, clinging, grasping, possessing quality of it, is replaced by something entirely different. A soul connection. The kind that lets oneself and the other be. Like having your best friend. A mirror of yourself.

It is the kind of love that sees the other person just as he or she is, not through the illusion of perfection, but through the raw and naked quality of that person regardless of position in life, economic status and societal pressures.

I know that this kind of love exists. I saw it in my parents.

In this case the choice to be together is moment to moment rather than a promise of forever.

This is why I am afraid to be in love, again. It is not because I am not able to love deeply, it is because I have not yet perfected this quality in my heart.

And when I have, I will know, and I will be free to love again. And I will offer it freely, without hope of return, without the need for a promise of forever, not even a wish for the person to acknowledge it.

For loving is it's own reward. It is a balm that heals both the giver and the receiver equally.

So I will love, unconditionally, freely and without bounds.

Eventually we will all have to give up all attachments to be really free. A free man does not single out another.

The distinction between love and hate, hope and fear, gain or loss, fame and shame must eventually be dissolved to have true freedom.

The kind of freedom that Buddha attained. I know I will have to do this sometime. We all do.

But for now I will love, live life and be happy.

For now, I will honor my karmic connections in this lifetime and hope that in so doing, I will still be on my path to true freedom.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Attracting a Leo - Tips on How to Get the Lion

People born under the sign of Leo (July 21-August 23) which is a fixed fire sign are passionate beings and completely comfortable with who they are. In trying to attract a Leo, you must remember that their number one weakness is attention so make sure you shower them with all your fervent concentration and let them know they are adored and loved to the very core. Attracting a Leo is easy: they want to be praised 24/7 and it boosts their ego and personality. They like high-class settings and plush gifts, splendor and make sure you're made up from head to toe during a date.

This sign is opinionated, grand, loves to boast and would do extreme measures to let the world know how smart, astounding and amazing they are. The best weapon to beat the egocentricity: Be interested. Hang on to their every word and you're sure to tame the lion in no time. Attention is their Achilles heel. You may even overdo it, believe me. They love the attention! However, maintain being conversational, spontaneous, natural (though you can use a little tweak on that) and agreeable --- this can surely make you attract a Leo! Learn to compliment and keep things light, but talk in a manner with enthusiasm and wit. Keep note that Leos care so much of their self-image so let them know you take great notice of their character.

Leos love surprises so be ready and get unpredictable. It is their mission to enjoy life to the fullest, being open to something new and fresh and they expect you to do the same. They are very ambitious so spar with them --- they get attracted to people who have a strong personality like they do. But be cautious because at the same time, Leos tend to easily get off from a relationship since they are always seeking for new horizons. So try not to be boring. Keep the love alive!

If you would like to discover AMAZING strategies on attracting a Leo, then visit my website to get your hands on my FREE report which has helped thousands of men get women they thought they never had a chance with!

If you are truly serious about mastering the art of attraction and being able to date and seduce ANY girl you want, visit this free website now and get a free report: Master Online Dater

CONTINUE READING - Attracting a Leo - Tips on How to Get the Lion

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How to Make Your Boyfriend Love You More - Relationship Advice For Women

Learning how to make your boyfriend love you more is something virtually all women yearn for. It's not uncommon to be in a relationship with a man and to feel that you love him considerably more than he loves you. These feelings often develop if you sense that the emotional connection between you two isn't balanced. Perhaps he doesn't say he loves you as often as you do or he doesn't show it in the ways you want. There are things you can do to get him to fall deeper in love with you and they're both easy and effective.

Knowing how to make your boyfriend love you more starts with understanding exactly what appeals to men. Regardless of how old a man is or how long he's been in a relationship he wants one thing and that's to be accepted and loved by his woman. He wants to feel as though your love makes him a better man. You can ensure this happens with your boyfriend by telling him how much you value him and showing him how much you need him. Ask him to help you with things and then show your gratitude when he does. If he feels like your knight in shining armor, he'll treat you like a queen forever.

You can also create a deeper bond with the man you love by giving him his freedom. As women, it's so easy to fall into the trap of wanting to keep our boyfriends as close to us as possible. Most of us deal with insecurities and those can translate into tension within the relationship. If you nag your boyfriend about his desire to want to hang out with his friends, he's going to start to resent you. Knowing how to make your boyfriend love you more includes understanding that he needs time to himself to pursue his own interests. If you can show him that you trust him and you feel confident that he loves you, he'll find you completely irresistible.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this Informative Site!

You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever

CONTINUE READING - How to Make Your Boyfriend Love You More - Relationship Advice For Women

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dating Tips for Women Over 40: 5 Unexpected Places to Meet Great Men Over 40

It breaks my heart whenever I hear women say that there aren't any good men over 40 left to date, because it's just not true. Sure, it feels true when you're sitting across the table from your blind date—a guy who wears black socks with sandals and whines about how his seventh divorce really was all his wife's fault, because frankly, in his opinion, all women are inherently evil, gold diggers or both.

But there are a lot of decent, kind, available men over 40 who are single and looking for someone to love.

We all know that once you hit your fortieth (err, thirtieth) birthday, you're not going to have much luck spending every weekend hanging out in a bar, gripping a bottle of light beer, and listening to the same old jokes, meeting the same people in different clothes. When we belly up to the bar, we're much more likely to meet that smarmy loser whose exposed silver chest hairs seem perilously likely to fall in our drinks than be the man of our dreams.

So where do you go to meet these wonderful, enlightened, please-let-them-be-attractive, minimally damaged men over 40?

5 Unexpected Places to Find Great, Single Men Over 40 to Date Right Now

1) Parties Once-Removed: Six Degrees of Barbeque

How can you expect to meet and date great men over 40 when you always invite the same seventeen people to all of your parties? Bring some new blood to the old gang. With Parties Once-Removed, everybody you invite brings someone that nobody else in the group knows. Think of it as six degrees of separation, only backwards. Voila! You'll have a party full of brand-new people who already get along great with your closest friends.

2) Go Clubbing

Want to meet an endless supply of fit, financially comfortable, educated men over 40? Take up golfing. If you don't already golf, there are lots of reasonably priced lessons at your local public course. (And of course, plenty of overpriced ones at the private clubs.)

Once you've mastered the basics, you have two options to maximize your man-meeting potential: You can pull together a foursome with a collection of like-minded women, or you can head out to the course on Saturday morning as a single and complete someone else's foursome.

If you're golfing as a single, you'll be meeting three new people (most likely men) and odds are in your favor that at least one of them is single. (The Census Bureau estimates that 30 percent of Americans born between 1946 and 1964 are single.) You'll have him all to yourself for eighteen holes, and if you like him, you can let him buy you a Bloody Mary when you finish your round. And, don't worry about whether or not you're any good—nobody is.

3) Go to Somebody Else's Company Picnic

Pair up with another single pal and survey his or her company's assets. These events are social, and as an added bonus, you know everybody there is employed. Your insider buddy can act as your tour guide to help you avoid the guy who sticks paperclips up his nose or the weirdo with fifty-nine cats.

4) Marianne Williamson, Meet Wayne Dyer

If you're looking to meet men over 40 who are as interested in self-growth as you are then attend lectures, conferences, and seminars by spiritual and self-development leaders. This can be a great place to meet someone and hang out with a bunch of men who're actively seeking to live a more positive, meaningful, inspired life.

Weekend conferences are best if you're hoping to meet other people, because they offer more chances to socialize than daylong seminars provide. If the conference feels too pricey, contact the organization to and see if there's a way you can work at the event in exchange for free admission.

Yes, the crowd will be 70 percent women, but the men will be good ones.

5) Power Drills and Other Flirting Tools

Most cities have philanthropic singles organizations, and whether a group attracts young singles or mature singles depends on the city and the group.

The best part of meeting people through volunteer work is that you help make the world a better place and meet a lot of like-minded eligible men at the same time. (Besides, helping others gives you good dating karma.) If there are no volunteer groups in your area catering specifically to singles, check out Habitat for Humanity, www.habitat.org. It's a great way to meet people of all ages, and you get to spend the day in the sunshine using power tools. What could be better?

This article is excerpted from my brand new book, "How to Date Like a Grown-Up." If you follow my advice in this article and in my book, you might just get lucky, find the man of your dreams and get married – even if you're in your 40's, 50's and beyond!

Lisa Daily is a dating coach, speaker, author and popular media guest who helps women over 40 find great men to date. Now, you can WIN one of 25 signed copies of her new book HOW TO DATE LIKE A GROWN-UP all month. To register, or get more of Lisa's free dating articles, tips and advice visit http://www.lisadaily.com/datingexperttv

Related Articles - dating over 40, dating tips for women over 40, dating tips, meet great men, finding dates,

CONTINUE READING - Dating Tips for Women Over 40: 5 Unexpected Places to Meet Great Men Over 40

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