Friday, April 8, 2011

Secrets of Blissful Relationships: Is Fighting Fair?

If your child came to you and asked if she could have a fight with her friend down the street would you tell her "sure, just make sure it is a fair fight"?  If Iraq and Iran are fighting, do you think it is good as long as they are "fighting fair"?

Most people would say that they should try to talk over their differences and peacefully negotiate instead. So why do so many people say it is ok for couples to fight as long as they have a fair fight? That certainly sends the wrong message even though they might be using the word "fight" in a different way.  We should be encouraging couples to negotiate instead of fight.

So, here are some points for negotiating a problem in your relationship.

# Wait until your temper is in control.  If necessary, exercise, take a walk, work in the garden or do something that will help relieve the tension.

# Schedule a time and a place for the "peace talks" to take place. Make sure you have enough uninterrupted time to work through the issue.  Pick a location that is peaceful and without distractions. Some people like to go to a restaurant or public place so they will be forced to not yell.

# Discuss the issue at hand. Don't wait until you have five or ten things that are upsetting you before you schedule a talk.

# The purposes of negotiations aren't to have your mate believe just as you do, but for them to understand your beliefs and feelings. People are different and that can be a good thing.

# Use "I" sentences to explain how you feel. For example "I feel hurt and neglected when you spend all Sunday with your golf buddies" instead of saying "you are a bad husband for always playing golf and ignoring me."

# Unlike fighting, in negotiations, no side has to come out "the winner." Both of you will win with deeper understanding and compassion for each other.

# Sometimes it is wise to compromise but other times it can cause resentment.  Don't ask your sweetheart to give up golf just because he isn't spending enough time with you.  Cut back, yes. Give up, no.

# If you find it helpful, write out your peace treaty and sign it.

CONTINUE READING - Secrets of Blissful Relationships: Is Fighting Fair?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

3 Ways To Intensify Your Orgasms and Intimacy During Lovemaking

Did you know that one of the best ways to intensify orgasms and the overall lovemaking experience is by having prolonged foreplay?

It's true. Including "prolonged foreplay," you're about to learn three ways to add new levels of passion and excitement to your lovemaking that will bring you and your partner even closer. So here we go!


An extended period of foreplay amplifies your sexual experience because it gives you time to
build up sexual anticipation. Why does this work? It's just human nature. Think about a big event in
your life.

Whether it be a party, a holiday, or a major movie launch, chances are that you were so excited by the
buildup and buzz that it made the experience 10 times better.

Well, the same rules apply to making love. So next time you spend some time under the sheets, make a
conscious effort to explore your partner’s body.

Leave a trail of kisses all over their body, run your fingers along their skin and gaze lovingly
into their eyes.

The more time you spend devoted to foreplay, the greater the experience for both of you. And if you
want to feel the magic even more then...


Now don’t get me wrong here, I'm not talking about JUST trying a new lovemaking position, tip, technique or even location. While these things would definitely spice things up, you can make your experience even more fulfilling, simply by using a little added creativity.

For example: Why not learn a new technique­­pack a picnic and head to a beautiful park for the day. And if you find a private spot, who knows what might end up happening? :D Going on dates like these helps to bring back the magic that made you fall in love in the first place.


Tasteful, fun and alluring sex games are one of the best ways to intensify orgasms and the entire lovemaking experience. Not only are they extremely fun and have a lot of 'replay value,' but they actually accomplish BOTH the other tips at the same time too!

Because when you play a sex game you…
1. Automatically extend foreplay in a fun and interesting way
2. Try new things that the game tells you to do

And even while some games only consist of familiar tips and moves, you'll be using them in new scenarios, which actually makes them feel new.

Maybe you’ll use a deck of cards or dice to create your own passionate play. Perhaps you’ll adapt a sport game for the bedroom. Or maybe you’ll just want to use your bodies as the props. It doesn’t matter. Simply get excited and unleash some creativity!

So if you want to create a magical experience, remember there’s no better way than playful game
that combines both prolonged foreplay and tryin new things.

CONTINUE READING - 3 Ways To Intensify Your Orgasms and Intimacy During Lovemaking

Monday, April 4, 2011

Love Tips: Photocopy Shocker!

Do You Want Your Man Back?

Take this quiz: What is the best thing to do to get him back?

A.  Write him a letter (expressing your heartfelt emotions, reminding him of all the good times you've had together, what you think went wrong in your relationship, ways to make your relationship better, etc.)

B.  Call him on the phone, tell him how you feel -- and get him to open up and talk about his feelings

C.  Give him gifts and shower him with sweetness and love -- so he'll realize what he's missing by not having you in his life.

D. Call him and say, "No one will ever love you as much as I do."

Just thought I would let you know that my husband is very
happy about my discovery (from you) that tightening my muscles as he is
e.jaculating intensifies his experience. - Nicole

~~~ Tips ~~~

Make some photocopies of your diary entries that describe your lovemaking exploits and send them to your spouse at their office.

You can have a quickie in any room in the house. Just bend over (support your self on the kitchen counter, dresser, table, you name it) and let him go for it with his mouth or hot rod.

Take the time to give your lovers feet special attention. Get a pan of warm water and bathe their feet and then dry with a soft towel.

Once your darlings feet are clean, feel free to lick, suck and kiss it all over. Devote special attention to each toe and the area between the toes that is quite sensitive.

Dear Michael:

I can not orgasm with my man. I fake it all the time and I feel so bad about that.  Any advice?


Dear Anonymous:

The cause is either physical or psychological.  Or a combination. Many women have a clitoris that has limited sensitivity or is positioned in a way that the typical stimulation is not enough for a full pleasurable
experience.  Also many women have low blood flow to that region.

I have had numerous women tell me that V Cream has been miraculous for them.  It not only gives them 1000 times more pleasure, that they are now having multiple orgasms whereas they had difficulty reaching even one before using it.

CONTINUE READING - Love Tips: Photocopy Shocker!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Secrets of Blissful Relationships: Just Say No to Fighting

Secrets of Blissful Relationships

When I went to Junior High School I said 'no' to drugs. When I went to the marriage alter I said 'no' to fighting.

Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign was a huge success. Kids made a verbal commitment and a mental stance to avoid drugs before they were even of the age to be tempted. When they were introduced to drugs, they knew they could "just say no" and not feel alone.

Drug use among school age children plummeted in the 1980s and many have held up Nancy Reagan's program as the chief reason.

People who decide how they are going to cross a bridge before they ever get to it have a much greater chance of not falling in the water.

Why can't we start a "Just Say No to Fighting" campaign? I'll admit, we are against tough odds. It is perfectly acceptable (and often expected) in our modern culture for a husband and wife to fight. Many marriage and relationship counselors even encourage it in the name of "communication."

Yes, it is true. My wife and I have never had a fight. Not in our 20-plus years of marriage. I don't intend on starting. I made a decision when I was dating Athena that I would never fight with her. I saw firsthand how the curse of fighting destroyed my parents' and dozens of other marriages.

Certainly there are times when emotions get wrinkled, and the natural declination is to blow your top. I sometimes have to bite my tongue so I don't say something I would later regret (since when is self-control a bad thing?). Having a naturally calm personality has admittedly made it easier for me to think before I speak than it is for some people. But that shouldn't stop anyone from trying.

Unlike many other relationship experts, I don't see fights or heated arguments as healthy. I just can't imagine how hurting my spouse with verbal and emotional barbs (yes - they do cause serious pain) could ever be encouraged under the guise of "opening up and sharing your feelings." Baloney! I don't need to raise my voice or throw dishes to say I disagree or to explain what I am feeling. Neither does anyone else.

We don't fall for the drug pusher's lies that "everyone's doing it" or "just a little bit won't hurt" and we shouldn't be so gullible to accept the wives tales that everyone fights and that it is a healthy part of relationships.
Fighting is not harmless. It is addictive and if continued, it is likely to cause irreparable damage. It's time to get clean. Go and fight no more.

Secrets of Blissful Relationships
CONTINUE READING - Secrets of Blissful Relationships: Just Say No to Fighting

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Romantic Tip: Im-Press the Memories

As an incurable romantic, I firmly believe that Autumn is that magical

time when dreams are realized and hopes renewed and the turning of the

leaves brings to fruition all the promise of spring and summer.

My love and I like to collect a leaf to mark the turning of each

autumn, which we faithfully press in a beautiful hand painted heirloom

flower press given to me by my mother-in-law. Our leaf collection

started the year of our marriage in 1979 and has grown over 21 years,

each added leaf marking the passage of time and becoming in a strange,

mysterious way the embodiment of our hopes and dreams.

The flower press has traveled with us around the world, and includes

unnamed exotic leafy specimens pressed alongside those from an ancient

Pohutukawa that clung to a cliff in the Bay of Island, New Zealand, a

frond from a dainty English Willow overgrowing the River Avon and pert

Canadian Dogwood we carefully nurture in our own garden, to name but a


God willing, we plan to gather many more, each carrying part of our

past into our future.

CONTINUE READING - Romantic Tip: Im-Press the Memories

Friday, April 1, 2011

ClickBank's Top-Selling Love, Sex & Relationship eBooks

Michael Webb is an internationally known relationships expert who has appeared on over 500 television and radio shows including Oprah, Men are From Mars/ Women are From Venus, NBC News, 700 Club, The Other Half, Iyanla, To Tell the Truth, ABC News and FOX News. 
He has written over a dozen best-selling ebooks on the subjects of love, dating, lovemaking, marriage proposals, romance and relationships. Each ebook has its own sales page and many have follow up auto-responders which greatly increase sales conversions. 

Here are the 16 books/packages

What you ABSOLUTELY MUST know about the person you are with. This ebook also comes with a free 300 Days of Questions e-course. Click here to see more

Finally, a book of lovemaking tips that isn't raunchy or crude. Since it was launched in late 2003, it has been a huge seller. If you have a Christian audience, they will absolutely love it as there aren't any other books on the subject written with Christian morals and values in mind. Click here to see more

Research has shown that the intensity and pleasure of orgasms directly correlates with the length and kind of foreplay. This ebook provides fantastic ideas for games that will have the reader having the type of passion and orgasms that they probably have never before experienced. Click here to see more

A very tastefully written book to teach men how to give their lady the most amazing oral pleasure (known as cunnilingus). Step by step instructions, tons of special techniques and some of the very best positions. Launching in one weeks time. Click here to see more

Most men crave a fantastic blow job yet very few women really know how to please their man in this way.  This book give step by step (or blow by blow) techniques on how to give a mind-blowing blow job. Will be available next month. Stay tuned. Click here to see more

3 image3 image3 imageThis is the ultimate trilogy. If men want amazing sex, then all they need to do is become virtuoso lovers. Men who learn how to give women the sex experience they crave will have hot, pulsating sex available to them whenever they desire.  Click here to see more

You dont have to visit a sex shop or even buy sex toys online to put some zest into your love nest. There are literally over 150 different sex toys already strewn around your house. You just need to know where to look and perhaps a little hint on what to do with it.  Click here to see more

Can ordinary, plain, poor guys attract hot, gorgeous women?  Absolutely!  While men are much more visual, women are emotional. Learn what to say and how to say it that will touch the core of just about any woman and have her wanting more and more of you. Click here to see more

Have you ever had a dull date? No more. This ebook features nearly six years worth of creative date nights. Tips on first dates and asking someone out for a date too. Click here to see more

The most popular collection of proposal ideas. Over 100 winning stories - photographs included. Click here to see more

  There are a lot of books on the market that will tell you how to have a good marriage but not many that will share with you the secrets of GREAT marriages. Click here to see more

The way most people date actually hurts their relationship without them realizing it. Oprah expert, Michael Webb reveals the dating techniques and styles used by those who end up having the best marriages. Click here for to see more

Michael Webb's proven strategies for getting your man back, even if you have been apart for years. The field is crowded with "Get My Ex Back" ebooks but Michael is the only recognized relationship expert who has written on this topic. Click here to see more

She's left you and there is a 99% chance that it is mostly your fault. Michael Webb holds no punches as he gives men the advice they need to get her back - for good this time. Click here to see more 

Michael Webb is an avid cruiser and he and his wife discovered how you can lose weight on a cruise, while still eating like royalty.  Fantastic niche product. Click here to see more.

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Michael Webb's Relationship Collection. The entire bundle at a discounted cost.  Click here to see more
CONTINUE READING - ClickBank's Top-Selling Love, Sex & Relationship eBooks

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