Friday, December 31, 2010

3 Ways To Intensify Your Orgasms and Intimacy During Lovemaking

Did you know that one of the best ways to intensify orgasms and the overall lovemaking experience is by
having prolonged foreplay?

It's true. Including "prolonged foreplay," you're about to learn three ways to add new levels of passion and excitement to your lovemaking that will bring you and your partner even closer. So here we go!


An extended period of foreplay amplifies your sexual experience because it gives you time to build up sexual anticipation. Why does this work? It's just human nature. Think about a big event in your life.

Whether it be a party, a holiday, or a major movie launch, chances are that you were so excited by the build-up and buzz that it made the experience 10 times better.

Well, the same rules apply to making love. So next time you spend some time under the sheets, make a
conscious effort to explore your partner’s body.

Leave a trail of kisses all over their body, run your fingers along their skin and gaze lovingly into their eyes.

The more time you spend devoted to foreplay, the greater the experience for both of you. And if you want to feel the magic even more then...


Now don’t get me wrong here, I'm not talking about JUST trying a new lovemaking position, tip, technique or even location. While these things would definitely spice things up, you can make your experience even more fulfilling, simply by using a little added creativity.

For example: Why not learn a new technique­­pack a picnic and head to a beautiful park for the day. And if you find a private spot, who knows what might end up happening? :D Going on dates like these helps to bring back the magic that made you fall in love in the first place.


Tasteful, fun and alluring sex games are one of the best ways to intensify orgasms and the entire lovemaking experience. Not only are they extremely fun and have a lot of 'replay value,' but they actually accomplish BOTH the other tips at the same time too!

Because when you play a sex game you…
1. Automatically extend foreplay in a fun and interesting way
2. Try new things that the game tells you to do

And even while some games only consist of familiar tips and moves, you'll be using them in new scenarios, which actually makes them feel new.

Maybe you’ll use a deck of cards or dice to create your own passionate play. Perhaps you’ll adapt a sport game for the bedroom. Or maybe you’ll just want to use your bodies as the props. It doesn’t matter. Simply get excited and unleash some creativity!

So if you want to create a magical experience, remember there’s no better way than playful game that combines both prolonged foreplay and trying new things.

Click here to learn more 100 Sex Games for Couples
CONTINUE READING - 3 Ways To Intensify Your Orgasms and Intimacy During Lovemaking

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Flirting Formula ­ Book Review

At first I thought this was another approach from a sleazy guy who was going to try to tell me how I can seduce women so they will want to jump in bed with me on the first date.

I was wrong.

Michael has class. 

The simple premise of this book is that some guys are naturally good around women and women are naturally attracted to certain guys (even if they are not comfortable with women).  Michael teaches you the traits that women are looking for in a man so you can either build up your confidence to approach them, or do what he suggests so women will naturally gravitate towards you.

Sounds simple.  Well, it is and it isnt.  Many of the ideas in the book were like lightbulbs going off.  A few were as simple as an article of clothing to put on (or wear a certain way) that will have women approaching you.  Or a simple, yet sincere greeting next time you see an attractive woman. Those were so easy and indeed got immediate results when I recently went out with some friends.

The tips on interjecting humor into my persona were a little more difficult.  They were great tips and suggestions but I'm not a naturally funny guy so those were harder to pull off.  Some guys would have an easier time with that chapter than I did.

Would I recommend it?  Well, I didn't have 6 girls in my bed last week.  But neither was that my goal.  I did strike up a few conversations when women began approaching me and I have two dates lined up next week to go paddleboating and to see a play. 

My confidence is already soaring.  Just wish I hadn't waited until I was 32 to get your Flirting Formula.

To see more about Flirting Formula, Click here!

CONTINUE READING - Flirting Formula ­ Book Review

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Free Download eBook : 101 Romantic Ideas

Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above your bed to spell out a message such as "I Love You" When the lights go down, your message will be revealed!

Want another? When you are in a romantic spot, ask your partner if she would like to dance. Place one earpiece in her ear and one in your own and enjoy your private dance floor.

This technique is particularly effective if the romantic spot you have chosen is somewhere where people would not normally dance, for example, the top of the Empire State building at sunset or on top of a mountain during a camping trip.

These are just TWO romantic ideas you can start using right away­inside you'll discover 99 MORE WAYS to express the love for your partner in creative and unique ways.

You'll also learn…

A unique "twist" to buying flowers (idea #3)

A creative way to cheer your partner up at work (idea #10)

7 'seldom used' words that really touch the heart (idea #14)

And many many more…

Click here to Download eBook 101 Romantic Ideas

101 Romantic Ideas on Spanish language Download here
CONTINUE READING - Free Download eBook : 101 Romantic Ideas

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

“Why Do Some Women Always Date Losers?”

Do you know of someone who has a pattern of always dating losers, bad boys, who always break their heart and leave them crying? For those women, oftentimes they need help in identifying the signs of such unreliable men. 

Let’s define a loser as a man who is totally into himself and has little empathy for a woman’s needs. He is a man who has a pattern of sweet talking women in an attempt to sweep them off their feet and into the nearest bed. He will wine you and dine you and tell you how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have met you. These men are very good at what they do because they’ve had a lot of practice! 

These men are wonderful in the beginning of a relationship; however, in time they most always become less attached and more distant to their partner. Some never call back, others break dates and some even “forget” their wallet and their date ends up paying for the meal.

Have you ever met or dated a man such as this? Perhaps he never said he loved you, and whenever you spoke about commitment, he would change the subject.

The truth is that no woman ever wakes up in the morning and says to herself, “Today I need to find a man who will hurt me.” Rather what most often happens is that many women (and men) tend to confuse intensity with reliability. They meet someone who makes them FEEL wonderful or excited and they assume that he is a good man. The problem isn’t that their feelings are wrong. What gets them into trouble is that their intense feelings often cause them to ignore bad or inconsistent behavior that they would clearly see if they were not so emotionally involved.

What if there was a way to effortlessly attract men that were both exciting as well as dependable? Not simply a technique, but a manual that showed how successful women captivate men in such a way that they never get mistreated.

What if information was available to transform you into the woman that men adore? Thankfully such information is available and it’s just one click away. “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave,” shows every woman the secrets to attract and keep the man of her dreams. Click here to see for yourself!
CONTINUE READING - “Why Do Some Women Always Date Losers?”

Sunday, March 28, 2010

When it Comes to Men, Some Women Have It...and You Can Too!

Every day in my counseling office, I hear women say some variation of this:  

“In the last few years, I have had relationships with men who, at first, seemed perfect for me.  They were attentive, attractive and fun to be around.  Then suddenly, as if they knew they had reeled me in, they stopped trying.  They stopped calling as much, stopped taking me out and basically stopped the romantic dance that couples do when they are falling in love.  Was it me?  After all, I think I’m attractive, have a good personality and I work out to keep my body in nice shape.  So why then, do I always end up with the men who become “couch potatoes” at my house?  The men who would rather bring a six pack over and watch football all day and then expect me to fix dinner?  Do I suddenly turn into just a “buddy” to them, the girl next door?  

I see other women who, frankly, are not as attractive as I am or as thin as I am, who seem to get the “hot” men.  I don’t necessarily mean gorgeous men, but the men who take them to nice restaurants, bring them flowers, take them dancing and, basically, “court” them.  What secrets do they know that I don’t, because they certainly aren’t sharing them?” 

Most women think a wonderful relationship is simply about finding the right man. The truth is that those women who have wonderful relationships didn’t necessarily know where to find good men, instead they attracted them. Would you like to learn how to attract and keep a wonderful man? The best way to find out probably isn’t by talking to a woman; instead, a man would be able to give you the secrets to a man’s heart.

I’d like to share with you the secrets that men find irresistible and powerless to resist. The dirty little secret is that having a perfect body isn’t nearly as important as you have been led to believe. You can discover this incredible information by simply clicking here.
CONTINUE READING - When it Comes to Men, Some Women Have It...and You Can Too!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

“If Only I Could Understand Men….”

Men always say they can’t understand women, and that women are so complicated. Well, for many women, it is the exact opposite. Most would give anything to understand what makes men “tick.” Even though women want to know what he’s thinking, men are often reluctant to share what is in their hearts. What’s a woman to do? 

Rather than describe all the differences between the sexes, it is often more helpful to focus on a few areas that any woman can understand.

1) Men are more sensitive than women. While that might sound silly, the truth is that men don’t have the ability to recover from emotional trauma as effectively as a woman. Because of this, men keep themselves from getting too upset. When a man hears he should just “let his feelings out,” what he translates that into is this, “If I let my feelings out, I might not be able to control them.” 

2) Men hate fighting. For men, conflict is not simply resolving a problem. Fighting, to a man, means one has to win and the other needs to be totally defeated. Men often prefer conflict that is non-emotional because it is less threatening to them. Once a conflict becomes emotionally charged, it is very difficult for a man to contain those feelings and the most frequent coping skill is for them to become quiet. It may seem like they are punishing you, but they are most likely trying not to lose control.

3) Men want to get married. In spite of what many progressive cultures preach, the truth is that a majority of men in the world do get married. While the freedom of being single has its appeal, it comes with one primary drawback – it is lonely. While this might not sound overly romantic, finding a woman that a man can trust is just as important as finding one who is beautiful.

If you liked these insights, there are more available in Bob Grant’s wonderful e-book called, “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave.” Bob Grant, L.P.C., has taken his 17 years of private practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Coach and condensed only the best information into a mouth-watering, powerful handbook on what men find themselves powerless to resist in a woman. You can have this information simply by clicking here.
CONTINUE READING - “If Only I Could Understand Men….”

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Do Men Find Attractive in a Woman? It Probably Isn't What You Think!

Ask ten women what they think men find attractive in women and nine will probably mention a specific body part or something to do with sex. Certainly, it's true that most men are visually stimulated by the physical characteristics of women, but when it comes to a long term meaningful relationship, looks aren't everything! So what do men find attractive in women? It probably isn't what you think!

Of course, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and every man has his own tastes and preferences. But are there some specific things that men look for that are common? Absolutely:
  • Men seem to be almost universal in agreement that they love a woman who has her own interests and life outside of theirs. This reassures the man that he will get to keep his own independence. She won't be reliant on him for her sole source of activities. Also, most guys don't realize this, but when a woman is busy a lot with her own pursuits it makes her harder to get and men always want what they can't have!
  • Another big turn on for men is a woman who knows who she is and where she is going. A self confident woman naturally draws people to her and this will no doubt also make her desirable to men seeking romance. When you obviously love yourself, it makes it much easier for others to love you.
  • And men feel very strongly about women who make them feel loved and wanted. They want you to have your own life and be confident about who you are, but still make them feel like they are the center of your universe at the end of the day.
So now you have a great insight into what men are ultimately looking for. But how do you draw a man to you? How do you make him crazy with desire for you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated?

Actually there is more; a LOT more! There are some secrets about men that you probably don't know. Secrets that will draw them to you and allow you to create a solid and powerful relationship. The relationship you've probably dreamed about! If you want to learn more click here to see it for yourself!
By Elizabeth Andrews
CONTINUE READING - What Do Men Find Attractive in a Woman? It Probably Isn't What You Think!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ideas to Surprise Her on Your Marriage Anniversary

Celebrating a marriage anniversary with your partner is one of the most exciting events of your life- the day to fall in love yet again, the day when you can just hold her and feel the warmth of the year you have so joyfully spent together. Of course, being together for one good year means so much for both of you and indubitably you will try your best to make it one of the most treasured and unforgettable events of your life. After all- you love her, you care for her smile, and surely you will do anything on this day to see her fly with joy, holding you in your arms and saying yes...I am so lucky to have you.

The most difficult thing is to decide as to how to surprise her on the marriage anniversary- doing something for her which she wouldn't have ever imagined. Gifting her beautiful card with lots of love notes is one of the best ideas, but this card can be made more lovable if you write the love notes on your own, describing how your life has changed, how happy you now feel to be in her company, how she completes your inner being. The idea is to be true to yourself and to your feelings.

Surprise her by singing a song in her honor (in case you never sing a song). She will be watching you with wide eyes open. Yet another way to surprise her is to organize a party in her honor, where you can invite all of her friends but care should be taken to keep this a secret, she shouldn't have any idea about the party or else entire enjoyment will fade away.

You can also try this one- The most treasured of all the memories should be compiled in an album form, with special comments on each occasion which has been pasted there. This should start from the wedding day photographs followed by all the other snapshots which you might have taken over the years. Try to add all the personal memories associated with the events. Just sit together and have a re look at the days you have spent together and relive each day with the album.

Spending a night out is also a chilling idea, try to take her to her favorite restaurant, get the music on and yet again propose to her by gifting her beautiful diamond ring. Try to have her favorite food on the table. Just make her feel special in the best way possible. You can also gift her bouquet of her favorite flowers.
Jewellery is said to be the perfect gift for every occasion. If she loves wearing it, then this can be a viable option. Or else, try to gift her some beautiful dress accompanied by chocolates, perfumes or anything which she loves the most.

You can even surprise her by taking her on a long vocation to an exquisite holiday destination. Try to keep it secret and on the day of your wedding anniversary, simply give the tickets in her hand and watch your loved one shout in happiness.

Marriage anniversaries come and go but the main aim should be to rekindle the love, to atone for any of the past wrongs- may be for hurting her or not giving her enough time. This is one special day where you can simply be yourself and you can make it special for her by giving her care, love which she desires. Try to spend the entire day together, take her out for a movie or just to a silent place where you can share your love. It is your day and you need to make it memorable and worth remembering, after all it happens just once in a year.
About Author: The writer is a free lance journalist based in Aligarh, she is also an staff writer for, a Indian matrimonial site based in Bhopal. She can be contacted at
By Shadaan Alam

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CONTINUE READING - Ideas to Surprise Her on Your Marriage Anniversary

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Women Want in a Boyfriend - Know This and You'll Beat 97% of the Guys Out There

Many guys complain about how women seem to be unpredictable when it comes to their preferences in men. The truth is that women really are not complicated at all. And if you happen to know these things that women want in their men, you will be instantly ahead of most guys out there today. Read on to discover the traits that women want in their partners...

Ability To Play Professional Golf.
Just kidding (well, sort of). The truth is that you don't have to be Tiger Woods in order to really hit it off with beautiful Swedish blondes and party with Geylang hostesses. However, if you have a special skill that she can show off to her friends with, then the happier she will be.

Be Presentable.
Sure, you don't need to look like Brad Pitt or Tommy Page, but try not to look like you've just slept under the bridge in your underwear. You don't need to rearrange your face to look like George Clooney, but there's no excuse for dressing sloppily.

Be Strong.
You will need to lead in the relationship - don't expect HER to be the boss, even though she might be the CEO of an investment bank at her day job. It's YOUR responsibility to be the one who bosses her around - and guess what - most women like being bossed around by the men they love.

Be Laid Back... Sometimes.
Look - while you need to be the dominant one in the partnership, you don't have to always shout at her to get you beer and give you foot rubs, back massages and other physical favors. Chill and relax sometimes. As Joker would say, "why so serious?" Learn to take some time off and have fun with her - reward her from time to time, but don't overdo it!

Be Controlling... Emotionally.
You gotta always remain in control - and one easy way to do this is to dominate her emotionally. One trick to do this is Fractionation

Go ahead and and read about this no-holds-barred Women Emotions Controller tactic for free - click to continue..

By Derek Rake
CONTINUE READING - What Women Want in a Boyfriend - Know This and You'll Beat 97% of the Guys Out There

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Boomer Dating - Want to Fly Into Mr Wonderful's Arms? Try Flapping Your Wings

Apathy - sitting and waiting for love without exerting the effort to make it happen - just may be the number one cause of single woman loneliness.

Consider the robin. Could she fly if she perched apathetically on a tree branch waiting for a favorable breeze? Not likely. Robin knows that if she fails to flap her wings, an earlier bird is going to catch the worm. So with a flick of her feathers, she's airborne.

We know a woman in Colorado who - after her husband's passing and a year of breakfast-for-one and supper with the six o'clock news - murmured a silent prayer as she walked in the cool mountain air: "Please, Lord, open my heart to a new love.

A few days later, her landlady rang her bell. "A new man just moved in a couple of doors down from you. Tall, kinda good-looking, and I'd say early 60s. Keep your eyes open." Joyce did. When she saw him head for the mailbox, she picked up her key and followed. A 20-minute conversation led to other conversations. "But," Joyce complained to her son-in-law a couple of months later, "this relationship isn't going anywhere. I'm out of practice. What do I do next?"

"For heaven's sake," he declared, "this is the 21st century. Invite him to dinner." But before she did, he did, and a few months later he asked a more serious question. "My answer was yes," smiles Joyce, "and now only one of us has to go out for the mail."

Joyce is a natural-born wing-flapper, but for some of us apathy is a malady difficult to overcome. There were probably half a dozen women fantasizing about Victor as he passed their apartment windows that first week of his arrival on the scene.

Unlike Joyce, they were too timid, or too afraid of rejection, to flap their wings.
Too many women in their 50s and beyond have given up on ever meeting Mr. Practically Perfect. We did it. So can you. That's why we wrote, "It's Never Too Late to Date" with its 43 helpful Rx's for mating and dating after 50. To learn more, visit
By Howard Eisenberg
CONTINUE READING - Boomer Dating - Want to Fly Into Mr Wonderful's Arms? Try Flapping Your Wings

Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to Regain His Trust After Cheating

Trust is important in any relationship. Cheating or having an affair is a quick way to erode trust fast. The good news is that once gone it isn't always gone for ever. Many relationships can and do weather the wild storms that adultery brings about. Can your relationship handle the heat? These tips will help you win back one of the most important things that cheating takes away: his trust.

Actions Speak Louder than Words
You've heard this age old adage many times in your life but its truth is timeless. You can talk all you want but if you want him to believe he can trust you, you are going to have to show him - not tell him.
How do you accomplish this feat? You prove that he can trust you again by earning his trust. It takes time. This isn't something you can do, apologize for, and go back to the way things were right away. Honestly, the way things were wasn't all that wonderful if you were cheating anyway.
Be where you tell him you're going. Come home after work. Stop going out with the girls for a while. Have the girls come over to your house. Change your routine and make your lifestyle more open to his scrutiny. In time he'll trust that you are going to be where you say you are. Once you regain that trust, guard it carefully and don't risk losing it again.

Expose Your Soul
If you're like most people there's always a little something you hold back and keep close to your heart. When you've reached the point where you're trying to win back the trust of someone you love a good start is to show that person how much you trust him.
Open up to him in a way you've never opened up to him before. You might earn more than a little of his trust back in return. Regardless of that you'll be sharing a part of yourself you've never revealed to him in the past. It's definitely a step in the right direction.

Understand that it may Never Fully Happen
Men protect themselves in different ways. It's important to understand that he may never fully trust you again. That doesn't mean that he won't trust you on some levels or that you can't have a long-lasting and loving relationship. It simply means that there will always be some part of him that has doubts and insecurities.
It will be up to you to make him feel better about himself and your commitment to him. Remind him often how much you need him and do your best to make him understand how much your respect, admire, and want him. These things go a long way towards creating a happy and healthy relationship today and in the future.

If you're trying to figure out how to get your husband back after you've cheated on him you've come to the right place. Broken trust is difficult to overcome but possible. Start with these step by step instructions: and you'll have your relationship on the right path before you know it.
By T Dub Jackson
CONTINUE READING - How to Regain His Trust After Cheating

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Marriage : Keep Your Marriage From Being Destroyed and Avoid These Marital Mistakes

Is a lasting marriage that is exciting, passionate, kind, warm, and caring a fairy tale or an obtainable dream? Does a marriage like that really have what it takes to grow and sustain? Of course, most people believe that is what they are marrying into when the say their "I do's." But with the country's high divorce rate, can it really happen? Despite the fact that some marriages end because of physical, emotional, or substance abuse, the rest are destroyed over "irreconcilable differences."

So if you feel you and your partner are growing apart, you could avoid the whole ugly mess of divorce by taking heed of the following advice.

1) Make each other a top priority.
With our busy lives filled with mind-numbing jobs, elderly parents and children who need our constant care, and the daily running of an entire household, it is entirely too easy to ignore the needs of your partner. If you do not want to lose your partner because you allowed other factors to take up all of your time, you need to immediately make your husband or wife feel loved, treasured, and appreciated through engaging in special time, and that does not mean physical intimacy necessarily. Special time also means getting out of the house for a walk or a date or anywhere you both can communicate without life's pressures butting in. You both must remind each other every once in a while that you are not just parents and breadwinners, you are two people who romantically love one another.

2) You have to maintain your marriage.
You are completely different in your thirties and forties than you were during the time you first became husband and wife in your twenties, so the question is during this time have you grown closer together or further apart? If you want your marriage to be a success, you must take time once a year to evaluate the state of your partnership and set new goals. One excellent question to ask one another is if there is anything either of you can do to enhance your connection; that question can help you jump start a meaningful discussion.

3) Only engage in positive marital behaviors.

Now this is not to say if you are experiencing abuse of any kind or if your partner is addicted to abusive substances that you should stay in the marriage. But in any other case where your you or your partner engage in behaviors that take too much time away from your marriage then that must stop. What does that mean? Some examples of this type of behavior can include watching an excessive amount of television, becoming wrapped up in a hobby or pastime, or being excessively involved in your kid's lives. So if you have allowed any of these factors to take away necessary time with your spouse, you are effectively destroying your marriage. In the case of dealing with over-scheduled children, once those children have grown and left the nest and you are left with your partner, more often than not, you will be left with a virtual stranger, not a friend, lover, and confidante.

4) Get professional help before it's too late.
Do not wait until you have hired divorce lawyers to go to marital counseling because by then too much damage has been done. During the course of counseling, you both will learn how to communicate with one another in an effective manner, not a destructive one. So if you are bored, upset, or disappointed, you will know exactly how to express that to your spouse. Receiving marital counseling in a timely fashion is the best way to maintain your marriage.
There is no need to become discouraged, you can save your marriage as long as you do not put it off any longer. If you are worried about the excessive cost of traditional counseling or that your partner is not completely on board, don't be. There are many resources online that can help you get your marriage back on track, spice up a boring marriage, or improve the way you both relate to each other on a daily basis. The best part about online help is that it is much more affordable than traditional avenues and of course, it all comes with a guarantee.

Do you need help with your marriage? I can help you fix it. Take a look at today.
You need to take the steps required today in order to repair your marriage for the future. I can guide you along the way, step by step. Say to yourself "I want to fix my marriage!" and take the first step.
By Alex Ottis
CONTINUE READING - Marriage : Keep Your Marriage From Being Destroyed and Avoid These Marital Mistakes

Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to Dominate a Woman

Men with average looks never seem to get women to turn their heads - though this mostly has nothing to do with their actual looks, but due to the low confidence and self-esteem that seems to come therewith.

The minute such men see women who are beautiful, they instantly think that they have no chance with them. This has nothing to do with the women's mindsets, though; if women behave like any other man, they will be perceived as regular.

Additionally, you need to remember that the skills of a man in the world of seduction actually holds much more importance than his looks. Keep reading to figure out which techniques to use in order to be perceived as special by the opposite sex, for a change...

How Dominate Women in No Time...Whenever You Want (Three Techniques Of Surefire Seduction Domination You Must Know)

Technique Number One: Take it easy. No matter how beautiful a woman might be, it would be possible to get her to fall for you, regardless of how you see yourself - remember that. Although there is no real explanation for this, it actually happens.
If you really want to, you can try to find out the explanation, but it would be much easier to just do something about it right away. Once you want to take things to the next level, just let her know and also make sure she knows you do not want to push her into anything she doesn't want to be pushed into.

Technique Number Two: Play hard to get. Remember that women naturally like challenges - conversely, they will not value things which are easy to obtain. So how do you use this fact to your advantage?

Pretty simple, really. Just make it hard for her to win you over. Always be slightly unattainable - and play mind games as often as you can. When you are able to make her submit to your wishes, it makes it so much easier to dominate her.

Technique Number Three: Hack into her mind. If you truly wish to dominate women, you need to get into their minds and tap into their hot spots. If you have no trouble with the thought of using subtle techniques of psychology, you really should learn about mind control and the like.
One of these techniques is known as fractionation and comes with two steps that are easy to use. Even men who aren't experts at seduction can pull this particular technique off with ease.
The best thing about fractionation would be that, after mastering it, you can attract women by the truckload without being a professional sports man or having a well-known name. With fractionation, you can also attract and completely dominate any woman of your choice. Outstanding stuff indeed!

However, please be fractionation ( ) could be the most explosive piece of seduction technology ever invented.
This technique is simple to use but it gives "seduction superpowers" to the regular guy to attract the woman of his dreams. If you want to seduce women in as quickly as 15 minutes, then download the Fractionation Formula for free.
By Derek Rake
CONTINUE READING - How to Dominate a Woman

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