Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How to Get Her Back - Tips for Healing A Broken Relationship

Want to get yor ex back? Discover the single greatest secret to effortlessly get your ex back, find more information here. Good luck!

When your girlfriend decides she's had enough and wants to move on to see other people, it can really hurt. I know it's not exactly "manly" to let it be known that we feel pain like anyone else, but that doesn't change the fact that we do. Well, there are plenty of ways to get over that pain and even get back together with your ex girlfriend, and I'm here to help you!

Getting back with your ex isn't going to be a walk in the park, but there's a system to it that can simplify things and make it way easier than it could be. Even then, there's no guarantee that it works for everyone, and honestly anybody who says "my way is 100% flawless and guaranteed" is lying. No single method works 100% of the time with 100% of the people, but this process I'm about to show you is one of the most effective ones out there.

First things first, when the breakup actually happens, don't go chasing after her begging her to come back to you. It's not very manly, and it's not going to get you anywhere anyways. She's made up her mind, she's probably angry or hurt or both, and seeing MORE of you right at this time isn't really on her list of favorite things to do.

Give her some space, some time to heal and get herself back in order. While she's sorting her own things out, you need to be doing some thinking yourself. Painful as it is, it's been made clear that the two of you as you both are will NOT end up working things out. SHE'S not going to change, so if you want to make it work with her YOU'RE going to have to be the one to change.

Analyze your relationship with her, and really figure out what YOU did wrong. If you already know what it was, that's great...some girls will tell you what the problems are when they break up with you. Not all of them do though, so you may have to do some thinking here. Once you figure it out and make a list of the things you did to contribute to the demise of the relationship, you have some more work ahead of you.

You have to take those flaws and errors you have or have made, and get rid of them. Stop doing the things that drive her away, and start doing things to draw her to you. A lot of this depends on the specific girl and what her individual needs and expectations are, so you can tell yourself exactly what it is you need to do better than I could, since you know her better than I do.

Whatever the case may be, you need to work your issues out and solve your biggest problems. When you're either done with that or are well on the road to being done with it, you can reinitiate contact with your ex. Remember to keep it simple and light, calling about the breakup or getting back together isn't usually met with much positivity. A pretty tried-and-true example of a first contact is to see how she's been doing since the breakup. It's light, shows you care, and doesn't start getting into "oh my God I miss you so much come back."
Once you've established contact again, slowly build back up with a few contacts here and there, light and friendly without getting TOO friendly. Eventually you two will probably start spending time together, and at this point it's important to spend this time doing things the two of you always really enjoyed doing before when you were a couple. Doing something fun and familiar should bring fond memories to the surface, and start to rekindle a little of what she felt for you in the past.

Really, from here it's just playing it by ear. Pay attention to her, listen to her, and watch for any signals that she may still be in love with you. Let her see for herself that the problems you had that assisted the ending of the relationship have been dealt with or are in the process of being dealt with. Be the guy she fell in love with, only without the faults that made her leave.

Following this procedure tends to have excellent results, guys. No other "technique" has as high a success rate, because this one actually fixes the problems. If she loves you, she WANTS to be with you, she just doesn't want to be unhappy while she is. That's why she left! If you make it so that you're not causing her unhappiness and she can see that you won't be, she'll be far more open to giving it another shot.

So give it a go, see what happens. I guarantee you'll be surprised at how much easier it seems. Good luck! =)
Just break up? Get instant relief from break up pain and a proven plan to get your ex back. Free articles and info at

By Erik Michaels
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